“If you could give a kick to a person who could not sit for a month to the guilty in most of your troubles,” President Theodor Roosevelt once noted.
Developing this idea, William Yuri – a specialist in the field of resolution of disputes and conflicts, claims that it is most difficult for us to come to agreements with ourselves. To achieve internal consent, he offers to look at himself … as a partner,
building relationships with “him” in the same way as with any other person. The most important skill for the negotiating participant, according to Yuri, is to understand what the partner really wants. In this case, we ourselves. Of course, this is not so simple to do this, and several effective techniques will help here. For example, “look at yourself from the balcony”. This refers to the balcony in the theater, from which we in our imagination are observing on the stage the play, in which we play ourselves. This practice of self -observation allows you not to succumb to emotions, but to distance from them. The book also has other techniques that will help us turn from the enemy into an ally to ourselves.
Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 176 from.
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